I Don’t Really Care About Your Blog, But Will You Post This Photo?

Periodically, I will send my husband a link to my latest blog post or pull it up on the screen of the laptop in the kitchen while he is cooking and say, “hey, take a look at this” — being pretty proud from time to time of my creative efforts.  Last time I did that, I had to ask if he actually read it, he scrolled so quickly — I mean, how could he really have absorbed my thoughtful text paired with carefully selected photos?!

On more than one occasion over the past few months, I have been summoned to the kitchen with the request that I have camera in hand.  Dutifully, I have taken the requested photos and, not surprisingly, my husband has not provided a proposed blog post for publishing alongside of them.  I would even give him guest blogger billing.  But, no . . .  apparently, the grilled pizza is supposed to write its own post.

The grilled pizza without a post . . .
The grilled pizza without a post . . .

As I looked at photos of the grilled pizzas he made in November, I was reminded that he used some of the flour my son and I picked up for him as we traveled back from a college visit in Illinois, day-tripping along the Mississippi River Road to Galena, Illinois (a completely charming river town I featured in this post).  Along the way, we stopped in Fulton, Illinois, and visited “De Immigrant Windmill Cultural Center.”


The Dutch windmill on the banks of the Mississippi River is fully functional.  It is an interesting stop along the River Road, with volunteers available to answer questions regarding the history of the city, the windmill, and the flour milling process.  The cultural center across the road also is staffed by volunteers who provide a brief overview and history of windmills through the working models.  The links below to the Windmill and Cultural Center provide more history and background information on these sights, if you are interested.

To help support the center’s operations, we purchased several bags of the fresh stone-ground flour made in De Immigrant Windmill, including different wheat flours.  My husband made not only the grilled pizza crust with the flour, but also some wonderful breads.  The quality of this flour was evident in the taste and texture of the foods in which my husband used it — no additives or preservatives, refrigeration required to maintain its freshness.

Perhaps I owe that grilled pizza an apology.  It did seem to write its own post, which so often seems to be the case when I start down a path writing about one thing, and then end up writing about another . . . photos often tell the story better than any words could do.

Grilled pizza
Grilled pizza

Ciao! ~ Kat

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22 responses to “I Don’t Really Care About Your Blog, But Will You Post This Photo?”

  1. I enjoyed reading, as usual, but the title really makes me smile. And that pizza is inspiring.


    • He doesn’t too bad considering it’s just a hobby! Plus, he really enjoys exploring different spice combinations, marinades and grilling techniques — we all benefit! ~ Kat


  2. *Prays that my future husband would have the same pizza-making talent as yours .*
    I have to go there! 🙂


    • He is a fabulous cook — I am very fortunate! 🙂 (I just showed him this post and he was disappointed the pizza didn’t look as good in the photo as it did that evening!) ~ Kat


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