Dessert for Summer Potlucks When You Have No Time to Cook (If the Cat Licks the Beaters, Even Clean Up Goes Quickly)

Kudos to those who enjoy and/or have time to spend hours crafting an elegant dessert that creates a memorable end to a meal.  I tend to be the one who thinks as I am working, “Crud, what are we going to make for the neighborhood gathering tonight?” and then runs a quick lunch-hour errand to pick up ingredients to throw together shortly before departing for the event (or frankly, runs an errand to pick up the end-product dessert itself!) .

Freshly washed berries

As we enter the season of family get-togethers, potluck celebrations, and graduation parties, I just had to share the newest of my “when you have no time to cook” recipes: Pillsbury’s Mini Fruit Pizzas While you are certainly welcome to make sugar cookies from scratch, I dutifully followed the recipe and gratefully placed the refrigerated sugar cookie dough squares on my cookie sheet (and thought to myself, “This could go even more quickly if I purchased plain sugar cookies from the bakery!”).

With time to spare before the oven timer went off, I whipped together the three-ingredient frosting (8 ounce package cream cheese, 2 Tablespoons frozen limeade concentrate and 1/2 cup powdered sugar), and set it aside as the cookies cooled.

Frosting the sugar cookie mini fruit pizzas

One of our cats, recognizing the time crunch I was in before we needed to head to the neighbors’ house, pitched in and took care of the pre-wash rinse cycle for the beaters.

Pre-wash rinse, courtesy of the cat

The recipe called for three cups of fresh berries and kiwi fruit, and I lazily went with items I could just rinse off, no cutting required!  Blackberries, blueberries and raspberries topped my fruit pizzas this time, but the kiwi suggested by the recipe would add a nice touch of contrasting color, don’t you think?!

mini fruit pizzas 5_24_13

Or perhaps strawberries, pineapple?

mini fruit pizzas 2 5_24_13

The small bite dessert was enjoyed by all, no serving utensils or plates required, making clean up a snap (even without the cat’s help).

mini fruit pizzas 3 5_24_13

I was rushed in dropping berries on the frosted rounds, but the possibilities are endless for creating mini works of art!

mini fruit pizzas 4 5_24_13

The full recipe for Mini Fruit Pizzas can be found on the Pillsbury website, here.

Ciao! ~ Kat

24 responses to “Dessert for Summer Potlucks When You Have No Time to Cook (If the Cat Licks the Beaters, Even Clean Up Goes Quickly)”

  1. Martha Stewart herself could not have produced anything lovelier. So fancy looking, and so easy! I am totally stealing this idea for the next time we have company 🙂


  2. These look perfect for a quick dessert fix. I usually weigh the effort to taste ratio too, unless I am planning an elaborate party, which is about once in a blue moon 🙂


    • Exactly – – I may pull out all the stops and spend the day in the kitchen, or prepare the steps that take multiple days to layer or set up . . . but only once in a blue moon! And, often the enjoyment factor is comparable with this “in a jiffy


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