Taking Time to Enjoy the Sunsets


The blog has been neglected, but summers are not meant for sitting in front of the computer screen.  Hope your summer has been full of the things summer is meant for:  soaking up the sunshine (although in Duluth, the first 1/3 of summer left us sorely sun-starved), digging in the dirt, playing in the sand, wandering along the trails, reading a good book, learning something new ….

Minnesota sunset

Posts may be a little less frequent over the next month or two, but patiently hang with me, and I will try to make time to stop by your blog, as well …. I always look forward to our conversations and visits.

Ciao! ~ Kat

8 responses to “Taking Time to Enjoy the Sunsets”

  1. most of the time we always let simple things in life such as taking time to look at sunsets everyday just pass by, and then when it’s gone, we realize how important these simple things in life are.

    Lesson of the day: always appreciate things that we experience no matter how small and simple they are 🙂 good post!


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