Weekly Photo Challenge: ROY G. BIV

A creative response to this week’s Photo Challenge? Perhaps not.  But, this rainbow so vividly displayed the full spectrum of colors, as we drove through Theodore Roosevelt National Park in western North Dakota a few years back, it immediately came to mind when I reviewed our photo charge for the week!  If only we had more time, perhaps we could have discovered that pot of gold lurking behind the butte at the end of the rainbow ….

Butte Rainbow near Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Ciao! ~ Kat

This post was in response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge.  ”ROY G. BIV” is this week’s theme.  Everyone is welcome to join in the Challenge; further details on how to participate and links to others’ responses are found here.

8 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: ROY G. BIV”

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