Weekly Photo Challenge: Inspiration

If you Google the definition of the word “inspiration,” the first definition that comes up is:

the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

Even though I did not get out when it was technically still full, last night’s waning Blue Moon was inspiring, particularly when combined with another source of creative inspiration – Lake Superior. I felt compelled to load up the camera and tripod and head down to the water’s edge as the orange-pink orb crept up over the horizon of the big lake.

Waning Blue Moon over Lake Superior, 8/1/15

The higher the moon rose, working its way through wispy strands of clouds, the more intense the reflection on Lake Superior’s water became.

Waning Blue Moon over Lake Superior, 8/1/15

Moonshine as brilliant as sunshine, the water embracing its light, encouraging it to climb ever higher and then do it all over again tomorrow.

Waning Blue Moon over Lake Superior, 8/1/15

Ciao! ~ Kat

This post was in response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge.  “Inspiration” is this week’s theme.  Everyone is welcome to join in the Challenge; further details on how to participate and links to others’ responses are found here.

4 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Inspiration”

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