Kat’s Weekly Reflection of Gratitude: The Privilege of Voting

The sentiment about exercising your right to vote is timeless. Today is the day if you haven’t already … vote, and make your voice heard. I believe love can trump hate, and I hope kindness and our American tradition of inclusiveness will prevail.

Ciao! ~ Kat

Travel. Garden. Eat.

One of the only blessings coming from Hurricane Sandy is a brief respite from the usual tenor of political campaigns at this juncture, with the election for President of the United States now only a few days away.  Other important offices, at the federal, state and local levels, are up for grabs in this election, as well.  In many states, important constitutional amendment questions are posed to the electorate, in some cases asking the populace to forever determine constitutional rights of others in our society.

Whatever your political affiliation — whether you swing left or right, red or blue, or like many, somewhere in the middle — spend the next few days educating yourself on the candidates and the issues that are going to present themselves on your ballot.  Really educate yourselves . . . I am not talking about reviewing the latest Facebook updates, tweets on Twitter or, as entertaining as it…

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