Weekly Photo Challenge: Vivid

While a sunset photo was my initial thought in responding to this week’s challenge, I instead was drawn to another photo taken the same Memorial Day weekend at the cabin.  In an old pallet leaning against a tree, in contrast to the dull brown-gray of the weathered wood and nest materials, was the most vivid blue collection of robin’s eggs.  The nest was diligently protected by Mother Robin, and the eggs certainly have hatched by now, two weeks later.

Vivid blue in the Robin's nest

Mother Nature’s palette is naturally vivid, producing colors that we find ourselves striving to reproduce in our daily lives.

Ciao! ~ Kat

This post was in response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge.  ”Vivid” is this week’s theme.  Everyone is welcome to join in the Challenge; further details on how to participate and links to others’ responses are found here.

19 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Vivid”

  1. Wow! I’ve never seen a robin’s eggs before. They are beautiful! What a lovely shade of blue. I really like your composition too… with the bit of greenery in the background and the blurred foreground on the left. Makes me want to reach out and touch those eggs.


  2. Lovely choice Kat – in my experience at the rookery, I saw many unhatched eggs, but they are all blue speckled with brown. I love the simple blue of the robin’s eggs.


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