Inspired by Following Atticus ~ Follow Your Bliss

I first learned of a little dog named Atticus and his friend Tom Ryan through one of my friend’s Facebook likes.  Beautiful photos of what I later learned were the White Mountains of New Hampshire, a schnauzer with a wise look, and some of my favorite quotes regularly appeared through a page called “Following Atticus.”  So, I checked it out and learned of the book behind this unlikely but endearing pair of friends, Atticus and Tom.  With a title that included the name of one of my all-time favorite literary characters from one of my all-time favorite books, To Kill a Mockingbird, how could it not be worthwhile?!

I then found myself calling one of the independent bookstores at which Tom Ryan was scheduled to appear on his book tour and ordered my own autographed . . . er, excuse me . . . pawtographed copy.  Truly, a delightful read.

The book struck such a chord in me, as I noted in a review of the book I put together for Goodreads:

What a wonderful story for those who have ever had a dog occupy a special spot
in their heart as more than “just” a dog, and for those who recognize that we
can best reflect on what is important when surrounded by the beauty and
simplicity of the natural world. For anyone unfamiliar with the White Mountains
of New Hampshire, after reading this book you will itch to head east and begin
exploring. And if you follow Atticus and Tom Ryan on their “Following Atticus”
Facebook page, and review the many photos and inspiring quotes posted there, you
will make your travel plans tomorrow. Thank you for the reminder to “Follow your
bliss!” — life is too short to do otherwise.

Since learning of Atticus and Tom, a new fellow has joined their household by the name of William, a senior schnauzer who was in need of a home.  His adventures are a little less rigorous, but no less heart-warming.

The Adventures of Tom and Atticus blog is listed as one of my “Other Inspiration” Links — from there you can easily link to their Facebook page, as well.  I never grow tired of seeing those peaceful quotes, tranquil images, and wonderful stories of a man and his four-legged friends discovering together what is important in life.


Kat B.

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