Weekly Photo Challenge: Solitary

The Solitary Cypress

Solitary Cypress ~ Val d'Orcia region of Tuscany

This lone cypress tree compelled me to find a spot to stop the car and pull out the camera as we drove through the Val d’Orcia region of Tuscany last summer.  A couple of other trees, just skeletal trunks and branches nearby, may have once kept it company, but now only the solitary cypress remains in this classic Tuscan landscape.  There was something magically compelling about this scene, as if the tree had a story to tell.  But, perhaps it is just another example of that magic of Tuscany itself.

Ciao! ~ Kat B.

21 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Solitary”

    • Thanks for the invite — I will take a look at my pics from my favorite time of year. How can I say no to someone who survived driving the Beartooth Mountains in the dark?! It was white-knuckle driving enough at times for me with full daylight! But loved that N. Dakota Badlands-Yellowstone scenery before and after. Great road trip memories. ~ Kat


  1. Just like a beautiful painting – sfumato come to life! And with a single, thoughtful tree growing out of the very end of the horizon.


  2. Kat, this is a perfect illustration of the “solitary” theme. So beautiful, so lovely. I like your juxtapositions between Italy and Lake Superior.


  3. Stories everywhere, Kat – your find being one! Fantastic you were on that angle, leading our eyes directly to the tree – the grain beside it about to be harvested makes it seem precarious, on it’s ridge. Great shot, and interpretation.


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