The Twenty-Fifth Hour in the Day

[Update: Gee, in re-reading this just-published post, it really comes off as somewhat narcissistic and egotistical . . . see, this is why I really need time to just work on my wordsmithing.  Or, perhaps just stick to fine-tuning my little amateur photography hobby . . . ]

Awards . . . I do appreciate them, really I do. And I am grateful to those bloggers who have taken time to acknowledge my blog!  But, I still have not found a way to increase the hours in the day beyond twenty-four, and therefore, going forward, I have decided to gracefully and apologetically decline those awards which have “rules” requiring a response and passing of the torch.

This blog is my creative outlet, still in its infancy. This blog is not my livelihood; I have a day job, a husband, two teenagers, and a house full of constantly-shedding four-legged companions, all of which require time and attention, as well! Selfishly, when I do make time to blog (often displacing things like finishing laundry which is sitting in a disgruntled pile in the basement as I currently type . . . ), I want it to be my time to unwind, reflect, dream, create (or to explore your reflections, dreams and creations!), because the other 23+ hours of the day are already spoken for.

If I find blogs I think fellow bloggers would enjoy, I hope you don’t mind if I do a little “shout out” periodically, in case there are others with kindred interests. If I find posts that interest me, make me laugh, make me cry, or challenge my way of thinking, I try to take the time to comment, just as I hope you do — thoughtful, sincere comments are often the best award one can receive.

And, if you happen to find a way to stretch the twenty-four hour day to something more, will you kindly let me know?! I already have plans for hour twenty-five . . .

The Three Labs

Ciao! ~ Kat

9 responses to “The Twenty-Fifth Hour in the Day”

  1. Yes the awards tend to be quite labor intensive. I ignore the rules, accept the award, acknowledge the writer who awarded it to me on an “awards” page, and move on. 🙂


  2. yes, yes and yes again. Recently a took a break for awhile from blogging (posting my own and “doing” other blogs as well)… But I needed to get back because as you say, it is MY creative outlet. Very often healing from within as well. But I chose to get back with a different perspective on the whole “bloggging” thing, and I now find my new balance much more suitable to a 24 hour day!! Thanks for putting this all into words here. And so well written as well. It is not “narcissistic and egotistical”. It is straightforward and honest. Thanks again. 🙂
    much love light and JOY


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