Getting Out of the Way

“It is one thing to show your child the way, and a harder thing to then stand out of it.” ~ Robert Brault


And so it begins . . . Or depending on your perspective, and so it ends. The first of the college acceptance letters arrived in the mail this week and we were reminded again how quickly this year will go as our oldest bird stretches his wings and gets ready to fly.

How exhilarating to have the world at your feet and a blank canvas to fill with your life story ahead of you. Watching your child consider the possibilities, you cannot help but reflect on your own life and choices. Would you take a different path if you could do it again?

More importantly, what will you do with the time that remains?

Ciao! ~ Kathy

23 responses to “Getting Out of the Way”

  1. It’s so exciting, for your family to begin receiving college acceptance letters! Congrats! I hope it’s the first of many wonderful offers that your son receives. You are absolutely right–it’s both a beginning and an ending. Enjoy the entire process and many moments to cherish along the way!


  2. So exciting Kat! I know I will cry when this starts with my oldest. Time goes so fast. Too fast. If your son does go to the U and you come down to Minne, you have to let me know! I would love to meet you both! 🙂


  3. Love the quote and the post. I wouldn’t want to try and second guess how life would have turned out if I’d gone in a different direction.


  4. You and John so live by example with family as the base….you have given your boys an amazing foundation to walk, run with…..breathe deep….trust….and yes do take some time to think “yes, what do “I” want to do next” … wise, at age 30 I took a new career path that I have never regretted doing and still feel fortunate that it fell as it did and certainly am thankful for and do not regret my beginning path…..I look and see how many opportunities and doors there are for students these days and just say May your Children just go for it
    whatever they decide!


  5. Well congratulations to your kid on getting those first acceptances in! my first responses were rejections 😦


  6. I think of that question often “would I do it differently?” I would have (probably should have) become a teacher. I chose to become an accountant merely for financial reasons. I thought it would be financial security and it has been that. Do I like what I do? not really but I didn’t know that then. How does one know??? I’m good at it, yes, but it’s not as fulfilling as I think teaching might have been. Instead, I will stick it out on this path as I hope to be done working in this field in less than 7 years. I do plan to do some sort of teaching after that and meanwhile, I need to check into doing some sort of interpreting so that I can use my Spanish. and who knows? it might lead to something else?

    Best of luck to you on letting your first bird go. I will take notes on your experience as I await my own which will take place in just over 4 years. something tells me it will go fast.


  7. Congratulations, Kat. You’ve obviously done a wonderful job as a mom… But I’m sure that only makes it harder to let go.
    Wonderful post. Wonderful quote. Wonderful questions. In response to your questions:
    1st question: Oh God, yes, if I could go back, I would take a different path, but really just beginning with one major decision.
    2nd question: There’s so much I want to do, so much.

    I hope it is a good year with your little fledgling. Well done, Mom!


    • Thank you, L! It is exciting to watch them launch into the world — it’s what we’ve hopefully helped prepare them to do. I look forward to seeing all the opportunities that will unfold for you, and what you will do with them.


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