10 Lessons Learned From My President

Each President of the United States leaves a legacy. As President Barack Obama enters the last week of his tenure in the White House, his legacy is only just beginning to show itself. But I can say with confidence that these 10 lessons are takeaways that will endure:

10. Never lose hope.


9. Reading is essential for opening your mind, expanding your worldview, and giving you the depth and breadth to handle an infinite number of situations.


8. The umbrella is big enough to fit everyone under it.


7. Grit and resilience are keys to success, whatever you do.


6. Kindness and respect never go out of style.


5. Do not be afraid to show your emotions … even if it means crying sometimes.


4. There are different perspectives to most issues … work hard to understand each one.


3. Maintain your sense of humor, even under the most trying of times.


2. Raising your children is one of the most important jobs you will ever have in life. Never lose sight of that.


And since, as the saying goes, behind every great man there is a great woman … and better yet in this case, beside every great man there is a great woman ….

  1. When they go low, you must go high.


Thank you, Mr. President and Mrs. Obama.  You have honored the White House and our country with your grace and vision these past eight years.  You will be missed.  Let us return the favor by continuing to stand up for what is right, and doing it with respect and an openness to truly trying to understand all sides of the issues.  We have more in common than not; it is in our best interests to continue and try to move forward together, no matter how difficult and arduous it may be … while at the same time not letting our guard down and failing to speak out against injustice, inequity, and matters that harm the greater good.

Yes, we can. Yes, we did. And, yes, we will again.

~ Kat

18 responses to “10 Lessons Learned From My President”

  1. Well said, Kat – I have much respect for the Obamas and will miss them as well. And these lessons… good stuff! I particularly like #8 and #6. And #5. Well, and #2. OK – and #1.


  2. BRAVO!!! and thank you. these are all great. one question: was that “trump’s comb” in the crop art at the fair this year? I missed seeing it!! I think I was more focused on all the Prince-related art. Thank you again. Well done.


      • oh that’s right. he was running by the 2015 fair too. I probably saw it and promptly dismissed it 🙂 Check out my fair post if you’d like to see my photos of the crop art. Warning: it’s Prince-heavy…..


  3. Well said. I agree completely. I do think it is a bit odd that when I opened your post in the Reader, one of the “More on WORDPRESS.COM” blog suggestions is a blogger who thinks President Obama should be impeached. I think WordPress needs a better editor. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I just don’t know what to make of it anymore Kat. I don’t want to give up but seriously my stomach hurts every time I pick up the news. I try to advocate but just don’t know how much of a difference it will make. His cabinet selections are horrifying. This whole thing is like a bad dream. Will have to keep hope.


  4. Amen, sister. So well stated. I’m so going to miss Barack and Michelle Obama, and can’t wait to see what more they will do with their lives and for this country.

    Liked by 1 person

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