Be Content With What You Have (That Goes for Blogs, Too)

Sometimes we need the reminder to “leave well enough alone” and be content with what we have.  I have blogged for a couple of months now, and I admit to emerging signs of blog envy.  Yes, I coveted the cosmetic look and structure of other blogs.  I started critically looking at my blog and the theme I selected when so new to the blog world (not that I am seasoned yet), and started second-guessing the look, the format, the widgets . . . really, procrastination in the evening can be an evil influence.  That to-do list did not scream loudly enough, “leave well enough alone, Kat.”  Instead, after previewing numerous different themes, I tossed the evening’s household and office task lists aside, and hit “activate.”

“We need much less than we think we need.”

~ Maya Angelou

Seed Pod along a Northern Minnesota Trail

Mercy me!  What did I do!?  But, instead of listening to the little voice inside that said, “it’s not too late, you can still go back,” I forged ahead, trying to mold my little creative outlet into its new theme — somewhat similar to trying to squeeze my 40-something old hips into a size 2 pencil skirt (truly, you do not want to try to visualize that . . . ).  Pages somehow were merged or disappeared, and that light, attractive font did nothing to change the content of my blathering.   I spent an inordinate amount of time mussing and fussing, until the to-do list finally screamed, “LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE, KAT.”   After tackling the essentials of the delinquent to-do list, the lights went out for the night at 2:00 a.m. on a “school” night, as I was painfully reminded when the alarm went off this morning (no need to comment on my lack of good choices throughout this whole transaction, as even my night owl tendencies knew this was not a wise way to start the week).

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”

~ Epictetus

Maple Leaf ~ Fall in Northern Minnesota

My still-adolescent blog was only slightly bruised in this process, with some bits changed and never to return again, while the remainder was more knowledgeable for the painful transformation and journey back to itself — much like our own adolescence.  I heeded the tired, patient voice in my head that said, “leave well enough alone, Kat,” as I finished up my lunch break.  Welcome back, Theme Twenty-Eleven, my old friend.

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.”

~ Lao Tzu

Mushroom in the Minnesota Forest

And so ends Kat B’s Weekly Reflection of Gratitude.

Ciao! ~ Kat B.

25 responses to “Be Content With What You Have (That Goes for Blogs, Too)”

  1. Must be something in the air, for I have had these very same blog pangs for the last few weeks (as if we don’t have enough to do)…. Your blog looks great, nice and clean – try one tweak at a time rather than a complete overhaul (easier said than done). Your voice has convinced me to follow!


  2. Probably took me 3-4 days to set up my blog when I first started. It’s taken me more than 2 years to wend my way more fluidly. That doesn’t mean I’m done. Just when I think I am, Word Press ups and modifies things. I should do more exploring…but, as you said…life, and my to-do-list, keeps beckoning… 🙂


  3. I also use the twenty eleven theme and wasted a lot of time envying other bloggers’ design talents and trying to find a better theme. I finally decided I’d rather spend time writing my posts than playing around with the presentation that never looks like I want anyway- it drives me crazy!
    For what it’s worth, I find your blog pretty and easy to read and navigate.


  4. I have had so many failed blogs that I spent an incredible amount of time decorating…and then I had no content. My last attempt, I said, ‘to heck with it’ and kept on posting even when I wanted to delete the whole thing. (I’m still struggling with that perfectionism curse).

    Sometimes, I have to completely stop reading blogs because that envy creeps in…or worse…I find that my writing no longer sounds like ‘me’ and instead, it sounds like someone I read frequently.

    My husband always says, “You’ll always be a perfect ‘you’, but a poor imitation of someone else.”

    Thank you for this post. I think your blog is lovely, just like it is.


  5. I spent hours trying to settle on my current theme, and I still wonder if there’s some brilliant one out there that’s better. I like your refreshed philosophy though — love the Lao Tzu quote.


  6. Ahihihihi! Explore the themes. It’s not a problem at all. We all know that trying on different themes is fun. Well, if you find the fit, the do feel content. But never hesitate to give other themes quick tries.


    • You hit the key word, rommel — “quick” tries! I should have given it a quick try rather than immediately trying to adapt some of the original pages and menu to fit the new look — then it became a bit messy to undo (not helped by the fact that my learning curve is still forming for all the whole WordPress blog features!) ~ Kat


  7. Profound and insightful. I am not certain whether you are actually feeling envy. It sounds more like you are going to the next level in your blogging adventures. Humanity always strives to improve, even within the context of social media. You are simply ready to take on another challenge!! I will follow with interest…


    • I am happier with the look of my blog now that I have essentially restored its “old” look again too! 🙂 Thank you for your kind words about my blog, I am glad you’re enjoying it. It has been a fun outlet. ~ Kat


  8. When I first started my blog, I tried three different themes in the first month! In time you will find your blogging style 🙂


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