Leaving Sitka on the Misty Fjord

This is the second of the “Week-Long Alaskan Dream” post series.

“It looked bigger on the website,”  I laughed as we unloaded from the Alaskan Dream Cruises courtesy van and walked down the ramp to where Ben, one of the Misty Fjord’s crew, was waiting to greet us. No gangway or long check-in lines; instead we simply stepped off the dock and onto the boat.

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After introductions to the captain, first mate, and chef, as well as the naturalist who initially greeted us, the cruise’s eight passengers were oriented and launched seemingly within minutes.

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My husband and I checked out our quarters for the week, and decided it was best only one of us unpack and get organized at a time, due to the “cozy” accommodations!

But unpacking could wait, as the shoreline receded and we made our way through Sitka’s classic bays and boat harbor. Cracking open a cold beer, we toasted the beginning of a week escaping the pressures of life and work ….

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Before Sitka had even disappeared from view, a commotion in the water caught our eye. A sea lion had caught its dinner — fresh salmon — while a bald eagle soared overhead, viewing the transaction as a treat to be shared. The eagle dive-bombed and tried to snatch the salmon from the sea lion, with the sea lion angrily barking in return, managing to protect its meal as the eagle decided the effort was not worth the return. The victorious sea lion finished its meal preparations by slapping the salmon several times on the water’s surface, ripping open a feast of pink flesh.

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Signs of development fading in the distance gave way to alternating snow-capped mountains and evergreen-covered inclines.

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Fishing boats would periodically cross paths with our boat, until we found ourselves alone in the pristine passages.

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The bow of the Misty Fjord yielded unrestricted views of the waters in front of us. We scanned the surface and shorelines, while soaking in the beauty of the surrounding panoramas.

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In the distance, the telltale signal of a whale was spotted … a water spout spraying above the water!

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Every few minutes, there was a hint of spray …

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or a fin here or there ….

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… until finally, that classic slow slip of the tail ….

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… as the flukes silently slipped below the surface. Iconic images to welcome us our first day on the water.

Before dinner, we all gathered with Captain Lucas and crew in the wheelhouse, and the crew shared their knowledge of the area along with some of the tentative itinerary plans for the week. The Misty Fjord is nimble and able to adapt its itinerary somewhat to accommodate interests of its passengers and the unique conditions that may present themselves.


Chef Bo grilled fresh salmon for dinner, topped off by peach cobbler for dessert, and wine all around.


Eight strangers were eight friends by the time the first evening on board drew to a close and folks settled in for the night.

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The Misty Fjord anchored in a quiet bay as the sunlight faded, with the prolonged Alaskan twilight enveloping us in a blue-purple glow. New adventures were waiting for us in the morning ….

~ Kat

Next post: Destination Baranof Warm Springs

Previous posts in the series: 

10 responses to “Leaving Sitka on the Misty Fjord”

  1. Loving the blog! It makes me miss it so much! Thanks for putting this out there ❤️Great photos with masterfully written prose 😘 you’ve captured it all so well.

    Liked by 1 person

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